Laboratoire CRG

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Etienne Minvielle: Health and management, hospital reform through real-life experience
Etienne Minvielle: Health and management, hospital reform through real-life experience
Xerfi Canal welcomed Etienne Minvielle, CNRS Research Director, Director of the Centre de Recherche en Gestion de l'Ecole Polytechnique (i3-CRG). Public Health Physician at Gustave Roussy, to talk about health and management. An interview conducted by...
Jérôme Barthelemy: The two (only) fundamental levers of value creation
Jérôme Barthelemy: The two (only) fundamental levers of value creation
In the early 2010s, American electronics retailer Best Buy was in trouble. The reason: it had become Amazon's showroom. Customers came to its stores to see the products they were interested in, but ended up buying them from Amazon ... In the digital age,...
Jérôme Barthélemy :  The four fundamental ways of “strategizing
Jérôme Barthélemy : The four fundamental ways of “strategizing
Before formulating a strategy, you need to ask yourself two questions: - How predictable is the environment? - how malleable is the environment? Depending on the answers to these questions, there are four ways of “strategizing”. 1. The classic approach is...
PhD seminar: Aurore Fierobe
PhD seminar: Aurore Fierobe
Aurore Fierobe will present her work in the library from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm.
Light and affordable: the keys to a successful electric
Light and affordable: the keys to a successful electric
A book by Tommaso Pardi, Samuel Klebaner, Bernard Jullien and Marc Alochet (Associate Researcher at CRG) published by La Fabrique de l'Industrie. How can we reconcile the environmental imperative, the preservation of individual mobility and the...
Defense of Paul Conort
Defense of Paul Conort
Big Data in Service of Creation Beyond Tensions, Knowledge Brokering to Manage Value Co Creation from User Data Supervised by David Massé & Nicola Mirc Defense scheduled for Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at 2:00 p.m., at l'Ecole polytechnique, Bâtiment d...
Jérôme Barthelemy joins CRG
Jérôme Barthelemy joins CRG
Professor seconded to CRG for 2024 and 2025.
Defense of Farah Doumit
Defense of Farah Doumit
Surmonter les difficultés de la sécurisation des ressources secondaires dans le projet d'économie circulaireLe cas de la méthanisation
Academy of Entrepreneurship and Innovation prize for pedagogical innovation for Estelle Peyrard
Academy of Entrepreneurship and Innovation prize for pedagogical innovation for Estelle Peyrard
The AEI prize for pedagogical innovation 2024 has been awarded to : Estelle PEYRARD (APF France Handicap & Ecole Polytechnique), for her game “Tous Inclus”. Estelle PEYRARD will receive a prize of 1,000 euros. “Tous inclus” is a serious game that...
Defense of  Joël Perez Torrents
Defense of Joël Perez Torrents
Managing the collaboration between domain experts and Artificial IntelligenceTwo case studis in the healthcare system
Defense of Olfa Chelbi
Defense of Olfa Chelbi
Between disintermediation and ahead-on competitionStrategic responses of established banks to two cases of competitive change
Defense of Lorenzo Fioni
Defense of Lorenzo Fioni
Methodology for capitalizing on and exploiting the knowledge generated by ecosystem exploration projectsLe cas d'un projet de plateforme de service de mobilité en Afrique Subsaharienne The case of a mobility service platform in sub-Saharan Africa