Laboratoire CRG

Master RM

The M2 Master in Management (research) is part of a partnership agreement between the University of Paris-Saclay and PSL Paris Université. The components involved are the Faculty of Law, Economics, and Management of the University of Paris-Saclay, the Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay, the Ecole des Mines de Paris (Mines ParisTech), and the ESCP Business School. The program also benefits from the support of the Ecole Polytechnique's management research center.
The main outcome of the M2 program is a doctoral thesis in management sciences.
In universities and schools, in France and abroad, career opportunities in teaching and research are booming in management sciences (20% of students in French higher education follow a course in management).
In management sciences, the possibility of completing theses in conjunction with companies also makes it possible to consider careers in consulting activities or in private, public and civil society organizations.


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Jean-Philippe DENIS and Jean-Claude SARDAS


Jean-Philippe DENIS and Jean-Claude SARDAS

How to APPLy

Management research

