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Position paper: Racket in the oceans


Berkowitz Héloïse & Dumez Hervé [eds] (2017) Racket in the oceans: why underwater noise matters, how to measure and how to manage it. Paris: Observatory for Responsible Innovation / Palaiseau (France): i3-CRG (CNRS – École polytechnique).


Underwater noise is now recognized as a major problem for life in the oceans, which represent 70% of the surface of the earth. Racket in the Oceans, a position paper by i3-Centre de Recherche en Gestion (CNRS-école polytechnique) and the Observatory for Responsible Innovation (i3, Mines ParisTech) adresses three questions : why is this issue a crucial one, how to measure underwater noise, how to manage the issue ?

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Keywords: oceans, underwater noise, management issue, impact of noise on marine animals