Laboratoire CRG

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Divers 5
Defense of Farah Doumit
Surmonter les difficultés de la sécurisation des ressources secondaires dans le projet d'économie circulaireLe cas de la méthanisation
Divers 5
Defense of Joël Perez Torrents
Managing the collaboration between domain experts and Artificial IntelligenceTwo case studis in the healthcare system
Divers 5
Defense of Olfa Chelbi
Between disintermediation and ahead-on competitionStrategic responses of established banks to two cases of competitive change
Divers 5
Defense of Lorenzo Fioni
Methodology for capitalizing on and exploiting the knowledge generated by ecosystem exploration projectsLe cas d'un projet de plateforme de service de mobilité en Afrique Subsaharienne The case of a mobility service platform in sub-Saharan Africa
Divers 5
PhD Defense of Alice Carle
Sustainability for StartupsA complex Phenomenon Analyzed Through A Symbolic Interactionist Perspective
Divers 5
Defense of Anne-Sophie Dubey
Beyond the Autonomy-Control-Dilemna: Toward a Model of Self Determining Organisation (SDOs)
Divers 5
Defense of Estelle Rémondeau
Adapting agile approaches to complex industrial systemes: a contextual implementation
Divers 5
Defense of Camille Toussaint
The case of the defense industry Managing collectively a complex problem on a planetary scale? The case of space debris
Divers 5
Defense of Robin Charbonnier
Regulation in the face of change: the case of music
Divers 5
Defense of Jonathan Langlois
The dynamics of secrecy management in open innovation. The case of the defense industry
Divers 5
Defense of Margaux Grall
From the construction to the consolidation of an innovation lab: wich transformation dynamic for a large company? The Air France Digital Factory case
Divers 5
Defense of Estelle Peyrard
Inclusive innovation in practice : foundations, inputs and challenges in disabilities