Defense of Paul Conort

Big Data in Service of Creation Beyond Tensions, Knowledge Brokering to Manage Value Co Creation from User Data
Supervised by David Massé & Nicola Mirc
Defense scheduled for Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at 2:00 p.m., at l'Ecole polytechnique, Bâtiment d’Enseignement Mutualisé (BEM)
For many companies, effectively leveraging Big Data to generate value remains a challenge, especially in creative industries. This thesis delves into the impact of Big Data on creative projects within the videogame industry. It is structured around three articles: the first identifies the tensions related to integrating Big Data in terms of control, coordination, and decision-making. The second explores the co-creation of value from data. The third highlights the role of knowledge brokering, which facilitates the integration of data into decision making processes and helps alleviate tensions. This research demonstrates that creating value from Big Data hinges on generating user insights through interactions among stakeholders (user, analyst, designer) and that knowledge brokering creates the necessary spaces for these interactions, leading to the development of new knowledge that informs decisions in creative projects
Key words: Big Data, Knowledge Broker, Creative Industries, Data Analysis
Composition du jury :
Pr Patrick Cohendet | HEC Montréal | Rapporteur |
Pr Caroline Hussler | IAE (Université Lyon 3) | Rapporteur |
Mme Aurore Haas | Université Paris Dauphine - PSL | Rewiever |
Pr Allégre Hadida | Université de Cambridge | Rewiever |
Pr Raphaël Suire | IAE Nantes (Université de Nantes) | Rewiever |
M. David Massé | Télécom-Paris | Thesis Co-director |
Pr Nicola Mirc | TSM ( Université Toulouse Capitole) | Thesis Co-director |
M. Rémi Labory | Unisoft | Guest |
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