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MOOC named "How to write and publish a scientific paper"

A MOOC, conceived by Ph.D. students from Ecole Polytechnique, has been available since February the 29th 2016, on Coursera. This MOOC is perfect for Ph.D. or graduate students coming from any field, to help them deal with writing and publishing a scientific paper.


How to write an article and publish it in Nature or Science? The MOOC "How to write a scientific paper", conceived by seven Ph.D. students from Ecole Polytechnique, opened in English February the 29th, 2016 on American platform Coursera, deals with this exact issue.

To help graduate and Ph.D. students who want to publish their work, six Ph.D. students from the  Center for Management Studies (Centre de Recherches en Gestion) and a Ph.D. student from Moleculary Chemistry lab designed an online class focusing on the writing and the publication of a scientific paper. To do so, Mattias Mano, Ph.D. student, managed the pedagogical team constituted of Ariadna Anisimov, Héloïse Berkowitz, Mathias Guérineau, Arnaud Jaoul, Haruki Sawamura and Alexandre Viard. Mathis Plapp, senior scientist at CNRS, supervised scientific content.

The MOOC is composed of four sections. The first one focuses on the context and the functioning of scientific journals. In the second part, the class provides advices on how to frame a research project. In the third section, the course describes the structure of an article and the use of concrete bibliographical tools such as Zotero. Finally, students will learn how to build a tool, the check list that they have to use before sending their article to a journal.

The MOOC is taught in English, available on Coursera since February the 29th 2016. Access to the content is free but learners can pay for the cerficate.

Pioneer in term of MOOC, Ecole Polytechnique is the first French school that developed online training on the American platform Coursera since 2013. Since then, eleven courses have been created and Ecole Polytechnique continues to develop its offer with more than twenty new MOOC currently under production. More than 60 000 learners, coming from all around the word, have already followed training from the School.

>  MOOC "How to write a scientific paper" on Coursera

> MOOC on twitter (@phdmooc)