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Workshop "New aspects of the theory of Okounkov bodies"

École polytechnique  – Salle de conférences du Centre de Mathématiques Laurent Schwartz

This one-day workshop at École Polytechnique aims to present new aspects of the theory of Okounkov bodies, and to generate further discussion among the participants on these thematics.


The day will consist of five talks, each of 40 minutes, a problem session, and the remaining time will be devoted to informal discussions.





9h - 9h40 Mingchen Xia, IMJ-PRG


Partial Okounkov bodies and toric geometry


9h45 - 10h25 Omid Amini, Ecole Polytechnique


Higher rank non-Archimedean skeleta and variations of Newton-Okounkov bodies



10h25 – 11h30 Coffee break - problem session



11h35 – 12h15 Siarhei Finski, Ecole Polytechnique

On Harder-Narasimhan slopes of direct images


14h – 14h40 Lucie Devey, University of Edinburgh

Newton-Okounkov bodies for curve classes


14h50 – 15h30 Robert Wilms, Université Caen-Normandie

A new construction of arithmetic Okounkov bodies


15h30 – 18h Discussions