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- Toussaint Camille
Toussaint Camille
Camille Toussaint is an Assistant Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique in the Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship Department, and a researcher at the Centre de Recherche en Gestion (i3-CRG). A graduate of ESCP Business School, she holds a PhD in Management Sciences from the Institut Polytechnique de Paris. Her work in organization theory focuses on the management of global environmental issues and the commons. She is particularly interested in polycentric governance, the creation of sustainable markets and expert communities. As part of her thesis, she worked on the management of space debris.
Research topics
Global collective action
Management by the commons, commoning, Grand Challenges
Emergence of new markets
Regulation and standardization
Polytechnic Cycle
MIE 431 - Fundamentals of Organization
MIE 555 - Fundamentals of Strategy and Innovation
MIE 564 - Technology-based entrepreneurship and new business creation
MIE 541 - Business Simulation
Master IREN
Strategic Management
Master Spécialisé Innovation & Entrepereurship
Research Methodology