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Romeo Costantino

 Costantino Romeo is a PhD candidate at École polytechnique (i3-CRG, École polytechnique, CNRS, IP Paris) and Paris School of Business. His main research interests focus on topics related to the knowledge economy such as collaborative working spaces (and third places), the identity of cognitive workers, and managerial approaches aiming to foster innovation in left-behind territories. Recently, Costantino has been exploring inter-organizational dynamics, notably meta-organizations of collaborative working spaces, related to territorial inequalities.

Research topics


Collaborative working spaces

As a member of the European project 'Coral-ITN', Costantino's research mainly focuses on reducing gaps between rural and urban areas through collaborative working spaces. In so doing, his research pays attention to the creation of meta-organisation of third places (at regional, national, and cross-national levels) in order to understand how overarching organisations develop both social and technological innovation. Besides the attention to the relations among members of such meta-organisations, the research also aims to explore the role of such collective actions in policy innovation.

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