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Remondeau Estelle

 Estelle RemondeauFollowing her engineering studies at ESPCI Paris and Mines de Paris, Estelle Rémondeau joined the Centre de Recherche en Gestion to carry out doctoral research on the adaptation of agile approaches to the development of complex industrial systems. This work is being carried out under a Convention Industrielle de Formation par la Recherche (CIFRE) in collaboration with Safran Electronics & Defense. She will be defending her thesis in 2023, and is currently pursuing her research at Safran Electronics & Defense, looking more closely at the links between agile approaches and systems engineering.

Research topics


Adapting agile approaches to complex systems

Agile development encompasses several management methods created for software development. Today, these methods are increasingly used for the development of complex products, mixing several disciplines such as electronics, mechanics, optics, software, etc. This research focuses on how agile approaches can be adapted to the design of such products. The level of analysis adopted is that of development projects and teams.

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