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Recuero Virto Laura
Laura Recuero Virto has expertise on radio frequency, natural resource conservation, and infrastructure economics. She has recently worked for the Ocean University Initiative at the European University for Marine Affairs as research coordinator with a special focus on underwater noise propagation and its impact on biodiversity. She has previously worked for the French Ministry of foreign affairs as head of unit on economic analysis and globalization and chief economist, as well as for the OECD, the French Regulatory Authority on Telecommunications, the French Electronic Communications, Postal and Print media distribution Regulatory Authority, the French Regulatory Authority for Railway and Road Activities, Télécom ParisTech, the World Bank Institute, Nortel Networks, le Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales and the European Space Agency. At Télécom ParisTech, Nortel Networks, and the French and European space agencies, she worked on radio frequency R&D and operational projects. At the OECD, she contributed to the African economic outlook, with a special focus on telecom infrastructure. She has contributed to ministerial meetings on telecom infrastructure (African Union, OECD-NEPAD) and has media appearances in Le Monde, Financial Times, Les Afriques, RFI, amongst others. She was recently seconded to the Environment Directorate at the OECD to produce content on the potential contribution of the OECD to marine spatial planning and to the indicators on the Sustainable Development Goal 14 ?Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development?. She has given courses on environmental and natural resource economics at Mines ParisTech, SciencePo Paris and on econometrics and biodiversity economics at the Polytechnic School of Paris. She holds a B.A. degree on telecommunications engineering, an MBA on international trade (Polytechnic University of Madrid), a PhD in economics (Toulouse School of Economics), and a PhD in environmental engineering with a focus on biodiversity conservation (Polytechnic University of Madrid). She has an HDR (Habilitation pour diriger des recherches) from Paris Dauphine since 2016. She is currently an associate professor at the Ecole de Management Léonard de Vinci.