Lehiany Benjamin
Benjamin Lehiany is a research associate at the Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation (i3-CNRS) and a lecturer in the Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship department at École Polytechnique. He teaches strategic management, innovation management, eco-innovation and the circular economy in initial and continuing education, with a sectoral specialization in network industries (energy/mobility). His contributions to management research are published in collective works and French and international academic journals such as Management International, La Revue Française de Gestion, Finance Contrôle et Stratégie, for which he is regularly asked to act as a reviewer. He is also co-founder of Manadvise, an open-innovation agency providing research, teaching and consulting services in the field of strategic innovation management. Dr Benjamin LEHIANY holds a Master's degree from the Toulouse School of Economics and a PhD in Management Sciences from the École Polytechnique.
Research topics
Cooperation strategies
My research focuses primarily on inter-organizational cooperation strategies (alliances, joint-ventures, coopetition, innovation ecosystems, open-innovation...) and between individuals (communities of practice, project teams...). They aim to decipher the coordination and governance mechanisms of cooperation between stakeholders aligned around a common value proposition.
Eco-innovation strategies
My research questions the theories and methods of innovation management through the prism of environmental impact (eco-design, eco-innovation and circular business models, etc.). In so doing, they address the strategic challenges facing companies (CSR, low-carbon, etc.), the role of technologies (renewable energies, eco-technologies, etc.) and uses (sobriety, self-consumption and alternative consumption patterns).
Integrated strategies
My research pays particular attention to the non-market environment (political, social, environmental, etc.) and how it is taken into account in strategic approaches (off-market strategies, integrated strategies, CSR and low-carbon strategies, etc.).
Polytechnic Cycle
Strategy, Innovation & Society seminar: new forms of competition.
Student follow-ups (MODAL, PSC, Master Thesis...)
Numerous professional training courses in X-Exed's certification programs, on the themes of energy transition, eco-innovation and the circular economy.
Executive Educatio jury
Master STEEM
Sustainable Strategy and Business Models,
MS. Entrepreneurship and Technology in Renewable Energies
Strategic Management of Renewable Energies