Voyage au coeur du système de santé : 100 témoignages pour apprendre à gérer avec la crise d'Hervé Dumez et Etienne Minvielle
Voyage au coeur du système de santé : 100 témoignages pour apprendre à gérer avec la crise d'Hervé Dumez et Etienne Minvielle

Reference :
Dumez Hervé & Etienne Minvielle (2021) Voyage au coeur du système de santé : 100 témoignages pour apprendre à gérer avec la crise/ Journey to the heart of the health system: 100 testimonies to learn to manage with the crisis - Editions ESKA
From April 2020 to April 2021, more than one hundred interviews were conducted. They covered on the one hand all the actors involved: from the medical student to the members of the ministerial cabinets, including hospital directors, doctors, caregivers, ARS and central administration officials. But also, on the other hand, the diversity of the regions concerned, in metropolitan France and in the islands. Finally, they were carried out during the different phases of the crisis, first, second and third waves. They give an overall view of the crisis in its dynamics and at all levels that we are entitled to expect.
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