Two i3-CRG books to be labeled in 2023 by the FNEGE
"L'Odyssée de Spring. Histoire et leçons d'un projet impossible" et "ISR & finance responsable" labelled by the FNEGE in 2023.

The objective of the Collège de Labellisation FNEGE des Ouvrages de Management is to qualify books in order to distinguish those that have a strong foundation and contribution in the field of management research, and to better promote the publication of books in addition to academic articles.
The independent jury of the Collège de Labellisation is composed of a dozen professors and researchers specialized in the different fields of management and coming from universities and Grandes Ecoles. It is chaired by Isabelle Martinez, Professor at TSM.
Two books written by i3-CRG researchers were labeled in 2023. The first one "L'Odyssée de Spring. Histoire et leçons d'un projet impossible" by Christophe Midler, Marc Alochet and Christophe de Charentenay in the category of non-collective research work and the second "ISR & finance responsable" coordinated by Nicolas Mottis in the essay category.
The Best Management Books 2023 Awards ceremony (books from 2022) will take place on June 1st in Paris (emlyon business school).
The Spring Odyssey. History and lessons of an impossible project
This book traces the history, from its genesis to its commercialization, of an inexpensive electric car, two characteristics that seemed incompatible until now. But beyond a singular adventure, the analysis of this project allows us to understand, better than abstract and general speeches, key issues of contemporary strategy and management.
This book shows how the Spring odyssey reveals :
- a lesson in strategy that shows the complexity of an international growth trajectory and the conditions that allow its implementation in a fragmented world;
- a lesson in project management to succeed in the a priori impossible challenge of designing within an alliance of five companies and four different countries;
- a lesson in reverse innovation that shows how the electrification of mobility can be combined with affordable prices;
- a lesson in industrial policy that illustrates, in the emblematic case of the electric car, the major role of public authorities in increasingly managed technological trajectories, and therefore their importance in the competition between industries in Europe and China;
- a lesson in intrapreneurship that proves that the start-up is not the only context in which it is possible to attempt and experience breakthroughs.
The autors:
Christophe Midler, CNRS Emeritus Research Director at i3-CRG
Marc Alochet, associate researcher at i3-CRG.
Christophe de Charentenay, President of M@Air
SRI & responsible finance
Coordinated by Nicolas Mottis, professor at the Ecole Polytechnique and researcher at i3-CRG with the collaboration of Diane-Laure Arjaliès, Valérie Bardou, Vincent Bouchet, Candice Brenet, Grégoire Cousté, Patricia Crifo, Jean-Philippe Desmartin, Loïc Dessaint, Léa Dunand-Chatellet, Geneviève Ferone, Thierry Philipponnat, Adrian Zicari.
There have long been financial actors pursuing something other than strict profit maximization. They have often had strong political, religious or economic convictions, and have sought to use their financial power to influence corporate practices towards greater environmental, social or governance responsibility. Better combining financial performance and ESG (for Environment/Social/Governance) is at the heart of these approaches often associated with the name "Socially Responsible Investment" (SRI). Since the publication of the first edition of this book, this "responsible finance" has developed considerably. From a niche segment, it has moved to the heart of the financial markets and few players in France today can completely ignore this movement.
This raises many practical and theoretical questions in a context where the risk of "greenwashing" is increasing. Responsible finance is exploding, but it is easy to get lost in it.
Bringing together the best academic experts and practitioners, this book offers a panorama of the theoretical and operational issues in the field. It provides many practical keys and sets out the terms of the current critical debates, while proposing ways to improve the future. We wanted it to be rich in content for those familiar with the field and also accessible to students or managers simply interested in the topic.