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The transformation of the voluntary sector. A metaphorical approach

Boisselier Pauline, Deville Aude & Dumez Hervé (2021)

The transformation of the voluntary sector. A metaphorical approach
Nov. 24 2021


Boisselier Pauline, Deville Aude & Dumez Hervé (2021) "La transformation du secteur associatif. Une approche par métaphores", Revue Française de gestion, 2021/8, n°301, pp127-141



The aim of this paper is to understand the evolution of a sector of activity, that of social associations. This sector has undergone a profound transformation, that of the change in its mode of financing. Starting from Ricoeur's theory of metaphor, the research identifies the metaphors used by the actors to think about this transformation. The study of the interviews highlights vivid metaphors, dead metaphors, and semi-vivid metaphors that express the actors' positioning with regard to the changes underway in the sector




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