Presentation at Elysée Palace of the White Paper of the Non Profit Organization NQT (« Our suburbs are talented») in which i3 -CRG Academics have participated
Nathalie Raulet-Croset, Anni Borzeix, Damien Collard, Jean-Baptiste Suquet et Laure Amar

Nathalie Raulet-Croset (I3-CRG Ecole Polytechnique et IAE de Paris), Anni Borzeix (I3-CRG Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS), Damien Collard (université de Franche-Comté et CREGO université de Bourgogne), Jean-Baptiste Suquet (Neoma Business School et IRG Université de Marne La Vallée), et Laure Amar (I3-CRG Ecole Polytechnique) have recently produced part of the « White Book" that the Non Profit Organization NQT (« Our suburbs are talented») has edited for its tenth anniversary. The book was presented to the french President, François Hollande, at the Elysée, on October 20th.
Their contribution analyzes the association's business model and its strategic choices. The association NQT helps young graduates to find a job which corresponds to their diplomas through the sponsorship of business executives. 25.000 young graduates have already been successfully sponsord. The « White Book" is available on the association website.
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