PICO – Collaborative economy pioneers
« PICO – Collaborative economy pioneers » report which was co-written by David Massé associate researcher at i3-CRG Ecole Polytechnique.

Acquier Aurélien, Carbone Valentina, Massé David (2016) "Les mondes de l’économie collaborative : une approche par les modèles économiques" PICO Working paper, Paris, France, 48 p.
The magnitude of growth in the sharing economy is a striking phenomenon in recent years. However, it is particularly complicated to interpret this movement, owing to its diversity and the difficulty of clearly identifying its boundaries. Taking this observation as a starting point, the aim of this report is to identify different organisational archetypes that constitute the field of the sharing economy. Our analytical framework is based on business model literature which describe organisational models configurations in terms of value creation and value distribution/capture. We identify four archetypes (access providers, collectivists, altruists, matchmakers) that help to better grasp the range of approaches characterising sharing initiatives. We then discuss the implications deriving from our results for sharing organizations and for public actors.
Link to download the report (in french).
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