Methodology of qualitative research
Methodology of qualitative research by Hervé Dumez

All the concrete answers to the questions that a researcher, whether a novice or an experienced one, asks himself when building a qualitative research project
You are a researcher and you have chosen to go into contact with the actors of a company or an organisation to interview or observe them. You have opted for a comprehensive method, generally called qualitative research. Where do you start? How do you conduct a literature review? Where do I get ideas? How do I describe and tell what I observe? What kind of theory should I use and produce? How can I say that what I am doing is scientific?
Whether your questions are practical, technical or fundamental, this book will help you to formulate them correctly and find ways to answer them in an original way. Clear and educational, each chapter explores a key element of the qualitative approach. It also includes a case study and a detailed bibliography.
The third edition includes supplements on research developments, a new preface, and additional bibliographical references.
Hervé DUMEZ is the Director of the Centre de Recherche en Gestion (CRG) at the Ecole Polytechnique, Director of the Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation (i3 UMR CNRS). He is the author and co-author of numerous books and publications including Competition in Europe with Alain Jeunemaître, Accountability, New societal requirement and How business organizes collectively with Sandra Renou.
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