A look back at CRG's 50th anniversary party
Evening of March 17 at the Museum of Fairground Arts in Paris

About 100 people attended the closing ceremony of the 50th anniversary of the Management Research Center (CRG), which was held on March 17 at the Musée des arts forains in Paris. This festive moment ended the cycle of events dedicated to this anniversary highlighting the research of the laboratory since its creation. Throughout the year 2022, participants were able to discover the work carried out by the team of CRG researchers around events such as: 50 years of health research at CRG, the Energy Day or the four CRG breakfasts, without forgetting the opening ceremony of the 50th anniversary bringing together researchers, former CRG researchers and the research management of the Ecole Polytechnique to talk about the specificities of CRG
On March 17, the tone was decidedly more festive. The researchers, doctoral students and administrative staff of the CRG were pleased to meet up with the laboratory's alumni, many of whom were present to take part in this very special event. This event was the occasion for Etienne Minvielle and Cécile Chamaret, director and deputy director of the laboratory, to gather around a round table former and current researchers to evoke their memories and the particularities of CRG. They retraced the history of the laboratory.
Thanks to videos made by the doctoral students, former and new members of the laboratory recalled striking anecdotes or defined the CRG in a few words: a laboratory of "action research", of "field research", in a "bubbling intellectual environment", were the terms most mentioned. All of this testifies to the vitality of this very special laboratory.
A big thank you to the whole organizing team.
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