Intrapreneurship: moving beyond superhero mythology
This report, written by Rémi Maniak, Valentine Georget and Thierry Rayna, was produced as part of a partnership between the Observatoire de l'Innovation of the Institut de l'Entreprise.

This report is based on the shared observation that there is a lack of understanding of the performance drivers of the intrapreneurial process.
In theory and practice, intrapreneurship has long been seen as the simple internalization of the entrepreneurial process. In this approach, it's a matter of bringing providential individuals into the company, driven by an innovative idea and sufficient energy to overcome the inertia of the traditional organization, and supporting and fi nancing the emergence of their “internal startup” to benefit from a salutary business relay.
It is this mythology of the “superhero” that this study sets out to confront with reality, based on an analysis of the practices of twelve major French companies.
This study presents seven operational levers to be activated: articulation with the intrapreneur's home department, management of the resulting organizational transformations, articulation with the company's global strategy, adaptation of human resources management systems, involvement of top management and dissemination of the company's innovation culture. intrapreneurship, far from being the affair of a “corporate entrepreneur”, actually becomes a collective adventure to be managed as such.
This report can be downloaded here: Intrapreneuriat, dépasser la mythologie des super-héros
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