Industry 4.0's potential for improving organization management
Interview with Joaquín Ordieres Meré, i3-CRG Visiting Researcher

Presentation of the interviewee: Joaquín Ordieres-Meré is a professor at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, at the School of Industrial Engineering and at the Department of Organizational Engineering, Business Management and Statistics. He has been a guest researcher at INRIA Rocquencourt on the subject of digital analysis, at the Beijing Institute of Technology in China on data analysis, and at the University of Iowa in the USA, also on the subject of Big Data.
He has taught at several Spanish universities, including Oviedo and La Rioja. He was also a professor at the ESCP campus in Madrid in the project management masters program.
He has experience as a consultant in the fields of industrial waste management, digital business transformation and project management. He has published more than a hundred scientific articles and obtained more than three thousand citations. He is also co-author of more than ten patents.
He is a regular reviewer for several scientific journals and a member of the Spanish committee assigned to ISO for project management standardization.
What project are you currently working on?
I'm currently working on the integration of human resources in Industry 4.0 from an empowerment perspective, and I'm also interested in how the Internet of Things (IoT) can add value to workplace safety. This is a European project, (WISEST - 4.0 Lean System integrating workers and processes) as part of the RFCS program of the European Research Strategy.
How do you see this project evolving?
Nombre d’aspects du projet sont en phase avec des recherches menées à i3-CRG, notamment autour de quatre questions :
- Many aspects of the project are in line with research carried out at i3-CRG, particularly around four questions:
- Can we use the contributions of lean management to better align the strategic design of organizations and improve transparency?
- Can the use of IoT tools and blockchain technology add value to the organization?
- Can we develop similar applications in healthcare?
- Can we identify the position of companies and workers on these issues from social networks (Linkedin and Twitter)?
These questions are of strong scientific interest, and could give rise to collaborations.
I'm also working on the quantitative aspects of research to improve university training and increase the transparency of energy consumption, as well as transforming the building environment to improve the services they offer.
This research has led to a series of publications over the last two years.
De Sanctis Ilaria, Ordieres Meré Joaquín & Ciarapica Fillipo Enmanuelle (2018). Resilience for lean organizational network. International Journal of Production Research,, Publication stage: In Press Corrected Proof. Published online: April 6, 2018.
Villalba-Diez Javier & Ordieres-Meré Joaquín (2016). Strategic Lean Organizational Design: Towards Lean World-Small World Configurations through Discrete Dynamic Organizational Motifs. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Vol2016, Article ID 1825410.
Villalba-Díez Javier & Ordieres-Meré Joaquín (2015). Improving manufacturing operational performance by standardizing process management. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 62(3), 351-360.
IoT & Santé
Zheng Xiaochen, Vieira Alba, Labrador Marcos Sergio, Aladro Yolanda & Ordieres-Meré Joaquín (2018). Activity-aware essential tremor evaluation using deep learning method based on acceleration data. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders. DOI: .2018.08.001. Publication stage: In Press Corrected Proof. Published online: August 8, 2018.
Zheng Xiaochen, Wang Meiqin & Ordieres-Meré Joaquín (2018). Comparison of Data Preprocessing Approaches for Applying Deep Learning to Human Activity Recognition in the Context of Industry 4.0. Sensors, 18(7), 2146;
Saralegui Unai, Antón Miguel Ángel & Ordieres-Meré Joaquín (2017, October). An IoT− based system that aids learning from human behavior: A potential application for the care of the elderly. In MATEC Web of Conferences. EDP SCIENCES.
Zheng Xiaochen, Vieira-Campos Alba, Ordieres-Meré Joaquín, Balseiro Jesús, Labrador Marcos Sergio & Aladro Yolanda (2017). Continuous monitoring of essential tremor using a portable system based on smartwatch. Frontiers in neurology, 8, 96.
Shrouf Fadi, Gong Bing & Ordieres-Meré Joaquín (2017). Multi-level awareness of energy used in production processes. Journal of cleaner production, 142, 2570-2585.
Gong Bing & Ordieres-Meré Joaquín (2017). Reconfiguring existing pollutant monitoring stations by increasing the value of the gathered information. Environmental Modelling & Software, 96, 106-122.
Gong Bing & Ordieres-Meré Joaquín (2016). Prediction of daily maximum ozone threshold exceedances by preprocessing and ensemble artificial intelligence techniques: Case study of Hong Kong. Environmental Modelling & Software, 84, 290-303.
Éducation & Innovation
González-Marcos Ana, Navaridas-Nalda Fermín, Ordieres-Meré Joaquín & Alba-Elías Fernando (2019). A Model for Competence E-Assessment and Feedback in Higher Education, in Azevedo Ana & Azevedo José [eds] Handbook of Research on E-Assessment in Higher Education, Hershey (PA) IGI Global, 295-311.
Franco-Riquelme José Nicanor, Lemus-Aguilar Isaac & Ordieres-Meré Joaquín (2018). KIBS Innovative Entrepreneurship Networks on Social Media, arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.11403.
Lemus Aguilar Isaac, Franco Riquelme, José Nicaor & Ordieres-Meré Joaquín (2017). Innovation Perception of Knowledge-Intensive Business Services in the Twittersphere, CINet, 18, 387-399.
González-Marcos Ana, Alba-Elías Fernando & Ordieres-Meré Joaquín (2017). Computer-Assisted Method Based on Continuous Feedback to Improve the Academic Achievements of Engineering Students. International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 390-403.
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Interview by Marie Claude Cléon
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