Haïm Korsia PhD defense
Le suicide dans les armées. Gérer un non-dit.

Dec. 18 2017
Le suicide dans les armées. Gérer un non-dit.
Thesis to be defended on the 18th of december at 2:00pm in Amphi Carnot at École polytechnique, Palaiseau.
The aim of this thesis is to define what suicide means in the military world, to understand how it is a management fact in the armed forces and why it is better to express a matter in order to be able to implement a genuine prevention policy. The taboo of this unspoken issue in the armed forces is unconsciously explained by the fact that each suicide of a soldier is in contradiction with the arms’ brotherhood claimed by the army as its base.
Keywords: Suicid; army; fraternity; performance.
Eric GODELIER | Professeur, École polytechnique | Directeur de thèse |
Albert DAVID | Professeur, Université Paris-Dauphine | Rapporteur |
Anne-Sophie AVé | DRH du ministère de la Défense | Examinateur |
Patrick CLERVOY | Professeur, Hopital militaire de Toulon | Rapporteur |
Sandra CHARREIRE-PETIT | Directrice de l’école doctorale Paris Saclay - Paris Sud | Examinateur |