Laboratoire CRG


The CIDEGEF-FNEGE Grand Prize for Pedagogical Innovation is awarded this year to Grégoire Bothorel (Numberly), Cécile Chamaret (Ecole Polytechnique) and Virginie Pez (Ecole Polytechnique and Assas).

May. 19 2020
Offres d’emploi

The CIDEGEF-FNEGE grand prize for pedagogical innovation is awarded this year to Grégoire Bothorel (Numberly), Cécile Chamaret (Ecole polytechnique) and Virginie Pez (Ecole polytechnique and Assas) for the organisation of a data challenge as part of the PIC master, the MC2 of assas and the 3A of X and in collaboration with Numerbly.

To find out more about this grand prize CIDEGEF-FNEGE

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