The CIDEGEF-FNEGE Grand Prize for Pedagogical Innovation is awarded this year to Grégoire Bothorel (Numberly), Cécile Chamaret (Ecole Polytechnique) and Virginie Pez (Ecole Polytechnique and Assas).

May. 19 2020
The CIDEGEF-FNEGE grand prize for pedagogical innovation is awarded this year to Grégoire Bothorel (Numberly), Cécile Chamaret (Ecole polytechnique) and Virginie Pez (Ecole polytechnique and Assas) for the organisation of a data challenge as part of the PIC master, the MC2 of assas and the 3A of X and in collaboration with Numerbly.
To find out more about this grand prize CIDEGEF-FNEGE
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