Education : quel retour sur investissement ? Guide pour évaluer intelligemment l'impact social d'une action éducative
Report written by Julien Kleszczowski, PhD student at i3-CRG Ecole Polytechnique
Kleszczowski J. (2016). « Education : quel retour sur investissement ? Guide pour évaluer intelligemment l'impact social d'une action éducative », Vers le Haut, Paris, France, 96 p.
Many actors raise the issue of social impact measurement in social welfare and education fields. Even if evaluating the social impact is difficult whatever the activity considered, social actions towards young people have particularly complex challenges: difficulty to catch and quantify long-term effects, diversity of actors involved in the educational field, multiplicity of criteria to take into account, ethical issues associated with any experimental approach.
Some criticize an evaluation logic that would reduce the human relationship at the heart of education for a set of senseless indicators and would eventually remove all its meaning to the educational action . Between two extremes - do nothing because it would not be adapted to education or reducing everything to a few indicators which would prevent from thinking about action - we believe that it is entirely possible to develop a smart evaluation of social impact in education.
This report provides useful lessons and recommendations for any actor. It does not ignore the theoretical issues of social impact but it also seeks to provide concrete tips for social impact measurement. Published by “VERS LE HAUT”, a think tank dedicated to youth, families and education, it was presented at a conference on the topic on June 28, 2016. It is based on action research during more than three years within Apprentis d’Auteuil, a French state-approved foundation that supports yearly about 30 000 young people facing various social and educational difficulties.
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