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The development of electric vehicles in China: Market facts and regulatory trends

By Chen Bo, Midler Christophe & Ruet Joël

The development of electric vehicles in China: Market facts and regulatory trends
Mar. 11 2018


Chen Bo, Midler Christophe & Ruet Joël (2018) “Le développement du véhicule électrique en Chine : réalités du marché et dynamiques réglementaires”, Gérer et Comprendre, n° 131 (mars), pp. 69-79.


How does the development of electric vehicles in China affect global automakers’ strategies? Alongside an exiguous, regulated market, China has an informal market for low-cost electric vehicles. The gap between these two markets is analyzed in the light of Chinese policies with regard to automobile transportation standards; and the problems raised for global automakers are discussed. Whereas the literature on the strategies of multinational firms in emerging countries generally concentrates on the question of the use value for customers, our research shows the importance of taking account of the forms of regulation that strongly determine market dynamics.

Keywords: Strategy, electric car, China, regulation, low cost

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