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Designing for all but with whom? Three cases of codesign with disabled persons

by Estelle PEYRARD & Cécile CHAMARET

Designing for all but with whom? Three cases of codesign with disabled persons
Sep. 09 2020


Peyrard Estelle & Chamaret Cécile (2020) “Designing for all but with whom ? Three cases of codesign with disabled person”, Gérer et Comprendre, n° 141 (septembre), pp.57-70.


Ever more firms areadopting codesign, wich seeks to involve users in the processof innovation. The participation of user groups with specific needs in codesign could be helpful for delimiting these needs, taking them into account and moving toward a "universal" product design. However few approaches mix universal design and codesign; and the reciprocal effects of these two approaches have seldom been studied. In the three cases of codesign with disabled persons reported herein, user participation opened onto a global approach toward universal design that took into account all of a produc's aspects and related uses. Specific characteristics of codesign with users who are disabled persons are pointed out that are related to the posture and beliefs of designers and of users. Recommendations are formulatec for designers ; and perspectives for further research, suggested

Keywords: Innovation , inclusion


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