Laboratoire CRG

Defense of Fabien Gargam

Strengthening weak organizations

Defense of Fabien Gargam
Nov. 07 2016

Strengthening weak organizations

Thesis  defended on the 7th of November at 2:00pm  at  Faculté Jean Monnet (Université Paris-Sud) en salle Georges Vedel.

Abstract :

This thesis entitled ‘Strengthening weak organizations’ translates to ‘La force du faible: Une perspective organisationnelle’ in French. It is intended to elucidate how a weak and vulnerable organization can transform into a strong and secure organization. By integrating the internal environment with the external environment, the question as formulated has never been investigated in the management literature before. This research aims to explore this void from different perspectives in order to beef up the robustness and relevance of the proposed findings. Specifically, the study consists of four parts whose distinctiveness lies in the examination of the same question using three research designs. Part #1 analyzes the topic from an outside perspective. Part #2 and Part #3 study the topic from an inside perspective. Part #4 combines the two previous stances by using metatriangulation. The whole thesis revolves around the term underdog which summarily equates herein to a weak and vulnerable organization. It is essential to note that each part is written as a standalone paper, but no part would have been possible without the contribution of the others.


Philippe Baumard Professeur, CNAM rapporteur
Michel Kalika Professeur, IAE Lyon rapporteur
Hervé Dumez Professeur, Ecole polytechnique, Directeur de recherche au CNRS examinateur
Thierry Doligez Directeur Général, Teckard examinateur
Jean-Philippe Denis Professeur, Université Paris-Sud directeur de thèse
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