Collaborate to innovate, Strategic management of external resources
Collaborate to innovate, Strategic management of external resources Romaric Servajean-Hilst, Hugues Poissonnier, Gustavo Pierange, published by Deboek supérieur

Romaric Servajean-Hilst, Hugues Poissonier, Gustavo Pierangelini, éditions Deboek supérieur
Often described as indispensable to the survival of companies, innovation, especially when it is carried out with external partners, is increasingly based on organizational changes but also on managerial practices and new tools.
The authors suggest that organizations develop their innovation capacities by learning how to better collaborate with their partners. Of course, collaboration can only work if it is real within each of the organizations concerned. In the light of the latest analyses and good practices observed in the field, the book highlights the individual, organizational and inter-organizational skills, as well as the main tools, that enable better collaboration for innovation.
The book is aimed at purchasing managers, buyers, innovation managers, business developers, alliance managers and, of course, those who create and manage new functions in charge of collaborative innovation: Open Innovation managers and Purchase-Innovation managers. It is also aimed at SME managers and founders of start-ups, who will find keys to entering and managing their relationships with their innovation partners.
Students in Business Schools, Engineering Schools and Universities will also find food for thought. collaboration, innovation
Key word:
collaboration, innovation