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Article: Organiser la coopération client-fournisseur en innovation

By Romaric Servajean-Hilst

Article: Organiser la coopération client-fournisseur en innovation
Dec. 15 2016


Servajean-Hilst Romaric (2016) “Organiser la coopération client-fournisseur en innovation”, Excellence HA, n°7, p41-43.


As the concept of Open Innovation is widely spread within firms, the question is no more to know if there is a need for collaborating with external firms for innovation purposes but to know how to perform such collaborations. The very large majority of these collaborations occurs within the client-supplier relationships, and for years, without clearly understanding why one collaboration performs and why another one does not. From the academic and practical points of view, there is still a lot of work to realize in order to understand how they work.

Keywords: Cooperation, innovation, governance, performance, dyad, client-supplier

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