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  • Article: "Lost In Translation: When Luxury Consumption Reveals Temporarly Expatriated Consumer's Cultural Adjustment To The United Arab Emirates"

Article: "Lost in translation: When luxury consumption reveals temporarly expatriated consumer's cultural adjustment to the United Arab Emirates"

By Cécile Chamaret and Béatrice Parguel

Article: "Lost in translation: When luxury consumption reveals temporarly expatriated consumer's cultural adjustment to the United Arab Emirates"
Jul. 01 2017


Chamaret Cécile et Parguel Béatrice (2017) “Lost in translation : la consommation de luxe comme révélateur de l'ajuste- ment culturel du consommateur temporairement expatrié aux Émirats Arabes Unis”, Décisions Marketing, 86, 89-106.


This article considers the behavior of temporarly expatriated consumers in the luxury market in the United Arab Emirates as an indicator of their acculturation process. It studies the influence of the length of expatriation on luxury consumption. Results of both qualitative and quantitative studies conducted on French temporarly expatriated consumers show that temporarly expatriated consumers initially experience a “honeymoon” phase, followed by a “peripheral adjustment phase” phase in which the distance to the local market diminishes as the expatriation lasts.

Keywords: luxury, acculturation, expatriate consumers, United Arab Emirates.

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