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Article: "A la découverte du lien organisationnel : avez-vous lu A. O. Hirschman ?"

By Bloch Alain, Dumez Hervé, Durand Rodolphe & Martinet Alain Charles

Article: "A la découverte du lien organisationnel : avez-vous lu A. O. Hirschman ?"
Mar. 05 2018


Bloch Alain, Dumez Hervé, Durand Rodolphe & Martinet Alain Charles (2018) “A la découverte du lien organisationnel : avez-vous lu A. O. Hirschman ?”, Management International, vol. 22, n° 2, pp. 1-4.


The special issue devoted by Management International magazine to the thought of Albert O. Hirschman comes from a day organized by i3-CRG, LIRSA (CNAM) and SnO from HEC. It goes back on the importance of the concepts of Hirschman for the organization theory, in particular exit, voice and loyalty. An economist by training, particularly a specialist in the economics of development, Hirschman practiced all his life during the crossing of disciplinary boundaries (trespassing) which led him to the theory of organizations and he remains an example for current researchers.

Keywords: Organization theory, Hirschman, exit, voice, loyalty.

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