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Article: "Is Googlizing polluting ? The difficult emergence of stewards for low-carbon transition on the search engine market"

By Bastianutti Julie & Chamaret Cécile

Article: "Is Googlizing polluting ? The difficult emergence of stewards for low-carbon transition on the search engine market"
May. 01 2017


Bastianutti Julie & Chamaret Cécile (2017) “Googliser, c’est polluer ? La difficile émergence d’acteurs au service de la transition bas carbone sur le marché des moteurs de recherche”, Entreprises et histoire, vol. 86, n° 1, p. 125-139.


The value proposition of ecological search engines is based on conducting online research that is respectful of the environment. Our study highlights two contrasting models. On the one hand, some agents promise to reduce energy consumption or CO2 emissions directly as a result of having to more effective technology. On the other hand, there are agents who propose to compensate CO2 emissions due to online research by supporting reforestation associations or by buying Carbon Credits. We show that the multiplication of initiatives and legitimacy issues have led to difficulties. Generating networks effects and an ability to legitimate an ecological positioning in the eyes of partners and users appear to be key success factors for these initiatives.

Keywords: search engines, sustainability, Internet, ecology, partnership

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