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Le Goff Richard

 RichardLeGoffRichard Le Goff joined the local civil service in the 90s to design and implement telecommunications infrastructures and services, and has since pursued a career as a university researcher in industrial economics and innovation, as well as a practitioner and consultant. His research focuses on contemporary economic, social, political, technological and territorial changes. In particular, his studies of clusters, the defense sector and network industries have enabled him to analyze the links between academic research, public authorities and industry. His approach is resolutely systemic and multi-disciplinary, drawing on the combined perspectives of economists, sociologists and managers. His work draws on the tools and concepts of industrial and territorial economics, as well as those of applied public economics. He heads the UEA (Applied Economics Unit) at ENSTA Paris, and is associated with i3-CRG Ecole Polytechnique - CNRS (UMR 9217).

Research topics


* Territories, dynamics and public policies
* Industries, innovations, technologies, markets and economic logic


These two themes are systematically treated as inseparable in order to understand their interrelationships, and to enlighten public debate as much as possible with scientific elements to help political and industrial decision-making.

Firstly, themes 1 and 2 have made it possible to evaluate public policies on electronic communications and digital development (ex-ante, concurrently, ex-post, from 2002 to 2012), including at the level of all of France's "Public Initiative Networks" (ARCEP in 2008). The evaluative dimension of these industrial policies and strategies is also addressed at the international level, notably in the context of preparations for the "Grand Emprunt" in 2009 (Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations in 2010), and including with China (co-direction of a Chinese government scholarship holder to prepare a PhD thesis since 2012). Finally, Richard Le Goff analyzes industrial policies and strategies in the fields of mobility (FUI 2017 with the I2TC Project), the environment (PRIMEQUAL Scientific Council) and dual innovations - civil and military - (2013-2020 - Direction of DGA-CNRS theses and research programs for the DGA with the IPTS - Institute for Prospective Technological Studies - JRC EU - Sevilla - 2020-... Direction of theses and research programs for the Defense Innovation Agency and the CIEDS (Interdisciplinary Center for Defense and Security Studies) of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris - 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023.

The research we carry out addresses a number of strategic and political issues. Initially, the questions focus on the massive qualitative and quantitative role of information and ICTs in the transformation of the contemporary economy, exploring both the now classic typology of Localized Productive Systems (LPS) and different forms of production and consumption organization such as "clusters" or "competitiveness clusters" (2002, 2008). The industrial district, the technopole and the innovative milieu are distinguished, and a possible trajectory towards a new type of LPS is proposed: the "service space", characterized by specific learning, the "learning by commuting" characteristic of the potentialities of the Knowledge Economy (2002, 2013, 2017). The analysis of collective informational rent makes it possible to recommend industrial strategies and public policies in terms of public services, economic development and public and private governance, combining competition and cooperation (1999, 2002), including within Competitiveness Clusters (2008, 2012) or innovation clusters (Direction du Benchmark international des territoires de l'innovation réalisée pour ParisTech, dans le cadre du PIMREP - ParisTech Innovation Management Research and Education Programme - 2011, 2013) or even incubation processes (Direction du Programme Interreg IVc - CleanTechIncubation in Europe - 2011, 2012, 2013).

Thus, in the course of these various research projects, the issues of both public and private governance were addressed and implemented in the context of global transformations (2004, 2005). This work has also led to the implementation of high-speed telecoms infrastructures (2000-2003) and the theoretical questioning of the best forms of infrastructure governance and collaboration between public and private players in the "digital economy" (2002,..., 2011). Network industries in the fields of energy and transport have also been studied, notably for the MOVEO cluster (2011), going as far as to analyze Délégations de Service Public and other forms of Public-Private Partnership (2003, 2004, 2005).

The evaluation of public development and digital planning policies, the role of public authorities and the question of social, economic and financial profitability are also addressed (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012). Finally, the environmental dimension of public policies is also assessed, notably through the co-direction of a PhD thesis co-financed by the City of Paris and ADEME since 2011 (2013) and through participation in the Scientific Board of PRIMEQUAL and then AQACIA since 2015, and in the Scientific Committee of the ANR Industrial Chairs since 2023, for which the issue of ecological and energy transition is central.

Richard Le Goff's research is part of a collective research dynamic, particularly since the creation of the Applied Economics Unit at ENSTA ParisTech at the end of 2009 and the affiliation with i3-crg since 2017. Its work combines with that of UEA members to build a collective research program targeting energy, transport, complex systems and dual (civil and military) or defense technological innovation from 2010 onwards. The aim of this program is to develop an original vision of economic, network and industrial dynamics. It should enable us to evaluate and prescribe industrial strategies for companies and public policies at local, regional, national, European and international levels (2010). The themes of Innovation, Duality, Defense and Mobility are particularly addressed (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023).

The methodologies used are both hypothetico-deductive, as models of representation and economic analysis are mobilized, and inductive, as they interrogate society, from companies to political institutions, in order to understand contemporary economic realities. More precisely, Richard Le Goff's approach is based on a dual movement. Firstly, it aims to develop quantitative analytical tools and methodologies designed to apprehend economic reality and propose a representation of it. Secondly, the relevance of the tools used stems from the confrontation of these analytical frameworks with the facts. It is not a question of developing "models" for their intrinsic formal qualities, but rather for their explanatory value of the facts observed, and for their prescriptive capacities. Finally, it includes an evaluative dimension for various public policies and the recommendations (2011-...) that may result from them, in industrial, environmental, technological or economic development terms (2015-...).



Master's degree in "Innovation Entreprise et Société" from the Institut Polytechnique de Paris and Master's degree in "Economie Internationale et Environnement" from the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne - "Conseil en organisation et stratégie" course:

- Strategy of multinational companies - (36h) - M1 International and Environmental Economics
- Principles and methods of corporate strategy - (18h) - M2 COSI
- Multinational corporate governance and growth (18h) - M2 COSI.
- Management, Economic Decisions and Negotiations (computerized serious game) - (18h) - M2 COSI

ENSTA Paris Institut Polytechnique de Paris - engineering cycle

- Industrial and Innovation Economics - (24h) - 2A

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