Laboratoire CRG

Jong Simcha

 SimchaJongSimcha Jong is a Professor and Director of the Doctor of Business Administration in Health at the UCL Global Business School for Health. He also is a Professeur chargé de cours at MIE École Polytechnique and an assocated researcher at CRG. Jong has more than fifteen years of experience in developing and delivering (executive) education programs that focus on the intersection of health, science, and innovation, at leading international research universities around the world. Before joining UCL GBSH, Jong held faculty appointments at the UCL School of Management, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, and Leiden University in the Netherlands where he was the Professor and Director of Science Based Business. Jong’s research has been published in leading international technology management and healthcare journals, including Nature Biotechnology, Research Policy, Journal of Management Studies, Technovation, and Industrial and Corporate Change. Moreover, Jong’s research received support from leading science funding agencies such as the European Research Council, ESRC, Wellcome Trust, NIHR, NESTA, and Innovate UK as well as major private healthcare companies, including Siemens, Janssen, and Lonza. Jong has a PhD from the European University Institute in Florence, Italy, an MPhil in Management Studies from the University of Cambridge (first class honours with distinction level), and a BA in Social Science from Utrecht University’s University College (cum laude).

Research topics


Management and healthcare innovation

R&D management

Science of science

Technology and innovation management.



Polytechnic cycle


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