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Looking back on the 8th ARAMOS – Association for Applied Research in Management of Healthcare Organizations 8th Congress, October 13 & 14, 2020

The 8th edition of the Congress of the Association for Applied Research in Management of Health Organizations was held on October 13 and 14, 2020 in distance. This event was organized by the laboratory I3-Centre de Recherche en gestion de l'Ecole polytechnique with the support of the CNRS and the ARAMOS association.

Nov. 23 2020

The 8th edition of the Congress of the Association for Applied Research in Management of Health Organizations was held on October 13 and 14, 2020 in distance. This event was organized by the laboratory I3-Centre de Recherche en gestion de l'Ecole polytechnique with the support of the CNRS and the ARAMOS association.

The theme of the 2020 edition invited participants to take stock of the state of the art in management science research on managerial and organizational innovations in health. The current events of the Covid-19 crisis led at the same time to focus on the feedbacks realized in the field of management. 

More than 150 participants connected during the two days around a keynote speaker, three plenary sessions and 15 thematic sessions.

A plenary session welcomed Stephen Shortell, Professor of Health Management and Policy at the University of Berkeley, Dean Emeritus of the School of Public Health, Co-Director of the Center for Healthcare Organizational and Innovation Research (CHOIR), and author of more than 350 papers in the field. His presentation focused on a study demonstrating the impact of Lean management in American hospitals.




A round table questionned the positioning of health management research in the scientific world in relation to management research (Nathalie Dubost, Orléans), public health research and more particulary in the feald services (Antoine Flahaut, Geneva and Claude Sicotte, Montreal) economic research (Gérard de Pouvourville, Essec) and finally on tis place on the international scene (Johen Kimberly, Warthn School). The debate notably questioned "evidence-based-management": if the need for evidence of the added value of management methods in the orgaization of care seems obvious, it odes not summarize all the forms of research in the fiel (comprehensive approach to define new concepts, ability to explain why a management method brings added value).



A round table focused on the professional point of view on the management of the Covid crisis brought together different personalities involved: a resuscitator, Bertrand Guidet (head of the resuscitation department in Saint Antoine, Paris); a hospital director, Eric Guyader (Beauvais); a director of the Regional Health Agency Didier Jaffre (Director of the Ile de France care offer; a representative of the Patients, Gérard Raymond (President of France Assos Santé).

Friday morning brought together researchers and practitioners in three workshops on the role of the "nudge" in health, the evaluation of organizational innovations, and barriers to the development of management research.

32 papers were presented in 8 parallel sessions. Finally, 9 papers were presented by PhD students in 3 parallel sessions.

The scientific committee of the congress awarded the prize for the best paper to Leslie Lepront for her paper entitled "A typology of transgressions in health care institutions. Les transgressions des chirurgiens: essai de typologie".

Finally, the General Assembly and Board of ARAMOS was held on Tuesday, October 13 under the coordination of its President, Professor Karine Gallopel-Morvan, École des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique.

The next congress will be held in the fall of 2021 in a location to be specified soon, and with the wish that it will be held in person.

A round table questioned the positioning of health management research in the scientific world, in relation to management research (Nathalie Dubost, Orléans), public health research and more particularly in the field of health services (Antoine Flahault, Geneva and Claude Sicotte, Montreal), economic research (Gérard de Pouvourville, Essec) and finally on its place on the international scene (John Kimberly, Wharton School). The debate notably questioned "evidence-based-management": if the need for evidence of the added value of management methods in the organization of care seems obvious, it does not summarize all the forms of research in the field (comprehensive approach to define new concepts, ability to explain why a management method brings added value).  


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