Areas of Research
The LMS research field covers the continuum mechanics through 4 areas (Material behavior and multiscale analysis - Behavior and durability of structures - Multidisciplinary problems and BioMechanical – M3DISIM Team) supported by 3 technical platforms (Test facilities static and dynamic - microscopy, field measurement and analysis - Computer Modelling and calculations).
This research group develops a multiscale approach of the mechanical behaviour of a wide range of structural, functional or geological materials, in order to provide physically-based constitutive equations and relevant damage and fracture models for all kinds of thermo-mechanical loadings. An important goal is also to establish clear connections between microstructures and mechanical behaviours as a key for the optimization of materials performances.Read more...
Responsable : Julie Diani
The Pole is interested in modeling complex structures and study their behavior. This activity is motivated by industrial applications (including through collaboration in the areas of transport and energy). In this context, issues such as fatigue and wear, dynamic analysis and stability of structures, identification of behavior and data inversion, the study of underground storages have been strong developments.Read more...
Responsable : Basile Audoly
This problem area encompasses a number of emerging fields at the interface between solid mechanics and other disciplines. It pertains to studies, theoretical as well as experimental of solids with complex microstructures, be that granular and polycrystalline media, carbon nanofiber composites, magneto-rheological elastomers, shape memory alloys, thin film electronic materials or even on the biological side, cells and tissue, just to mention a few such examples. Read more...
Responsable : Kostas Danas