"A study of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals and their binding to host molecules with molecular modelling"
Matthieu Montes, Prof., GBCM Lab, CNAM, Paris, France Rapporteur
Andrzej Leś, Prof., Quantum Chemistry Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Poland Rapporteur
Beata Brzozowska, Ass. Prof.,Biomedical Physics Division, University of Warsaw, Poland Rapporteur
Tap Ha Duong, Prof. Pharmacy School University Paris-Saclay
Thomas Simonson, Prof., BIOC, École polytechnique, Palaiseau, France Directeur de thèse
Łukasz Szeleszczuk, Ass. Prof., Dep. Of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland Directeur de thèse