R&D Management


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Track 8.1 - Open Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights
Divers 9
Track 8.1 - Open Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights
John HAGEDOORN, School of Management, Royal Holloway University of London Cécile AYERBE, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis Liliana MITKOVA, UEVE Paris Saclay Jamal EDDIN-AZZAM, Toulouse Capitole University
Track 8.2 - From Open Innovation to Business-to-Business, new roles and methods for Purchasing
Divers 9
Track 8.2 - From Open Innovation to Business-to-Business, new roles and methods for Purchasing
Marie-Anne LE DAIN, Associate Professor, Grenoble INP Industrial Engineering and Management – G-SCOP Lab Romaric SERVAJEAN - HILST, Associate Researcher, CRG-I3 Ecole polytechnique
Track 8.3 - Crowdsourcing and online communities: Challenges and new perspectives
Divers 9
Track 8.3 - Crowdsourcing and online communities: Challenges and new perspectives
Thomas GILLIER, Associate Prof., Grenoble Ecole de Management Fiona SCHWEITZER, Associate Professor, Ecole de Management Jan VAN DEN ENDE, Professor, Rotterdam School of Management
Track 8.4 - Open innovation in SMEs
Divers 9
Track 8.4 - Open innovation in SMEs
Carène TCHUINOU TCHOUWO, Ph.D Candidate (Management), Université Laval Diane POULIN, Profesor (Management Department), Université Laval
Track 8.5 - Disclosure and Exclusion: The challenges of collaboration in Open Innovation
Divers 9
Track 8.5 - Disclosure and Exclusion: The challenges of collaboration in Open Innovation
Denisa MINDRUTA, Associate Professor, HEC Paris Janet BERCOVITZ, Professor, University of Colorado, Leeds School of Business Martin HETU, PhD Candidate
Track 8.6 - Inclusive Innovation
Divers 9
Track 8.6 - Inclusive Innovation
Estelle PEYRARD, PhD Student, i3 CRG, Ecole Polytechnique Theo PAPAIOANNOU, Prof., Director, Innogen Institute, Development Policy and Practice (DPP)