R&D Management

Call for Practitioners & Industry Talks

Call for Practitioners & Industry Talks

Call for Practitioners & Industry Talks
21 mai. 2019

Deadline: 3rd June 2019

Co-organised by École Polytechnique and HEC Paris, the 2019 edition of the R&D Management Conference will take place in Paris on June 19–21. Following the long-established tradition for this conference of bringing together Academia and Industry, research and practice, academic scholars and R&D professionals – and after a very successful Call for academic Papers, which has led us to a historical number of submissions – we are now launching a call for Practitioner and Industry Talks.

Join us on June 19–21 in Paris to share with the rest of this vibrant and exiting community your practice of R&D and innovation management. Come and tell us about your experience of new technology adoption, new product and service development, about lessons from innovation successes, failures, and challenges, about experimentations of innovative organisational and methodological concepts, about your own research about R&D and innovation management.

Topics of interests are all those related to R&D Management and Innovation in general, with a particular focus for this year’s conference on the theme “The Innovation Challenge: Bridging Research, Industry and Society”, such as
●    Open Innovation and Co-creation
●    User Innovation
●    Social Innovation and Inclusive Innovation
●    Innovation in Emerging countries and reverse Innovation
●    Ecosystems and innovation (e.g. Autonomous Vehicles, Additive Manufacturing/3D printing, Energy transition and ecology, Industry 4.0)
●    Radical and systemic innovation (e.g. Artificial intelligence & Data sciences, Blockchain, Digital Technologies, etc..)
●    Adoption and diffusion of novel technologies
●    Sustainable Development
●    Innovation spaces, such as FabLabs, makerspaces and co-working spaces
●    Organizational & Marketing Innovation
●    Innovation Policy
●    Innovation and regulation
●    Energy transition
●    Creativity & Design
●    New ways of work
●    Innovation in Human Resources management

To take part in what promises to be a very special event, send us your talk proposal by June, 3rd by email at this address (please indicate “[Industry Call]” in the subject field): rndmconf2019[at]polytechnique.fr

Proposals should be about 1 page long (c. 500–1000 words) and detail the context of your talk, the topic addressed, as well as the relevance of your talk for the conference participants (to whom will it matter and why?). As a part of the submission process, you will also be asked to describe (briefly) your company, as well as your position within the company.

Selected proposals will be allocated 15–20 min presentation slots in one of the conferences parallel sessions (which typically last 90 minutes). Depending on the presentation topic, presentations may be especially dedicated to industry & practitioner sessions, or in joint sessions with academics.

Please note that registration is mandatory for all speakers. If the talk proposal you submitted is selected, you (or a colleague) must have registered by June, 5 for your talk to be included in the final programme.

Registration fees for Industrial track are available here.

Sponsorship packages are available to companies for this high-visibility event. Please do get in touch if you would like more details (rndmconf2019[at]polytechnique.fr).

Any question? Please write to rndmconf2019[at]polytechnique.fr. We will be happy to assist you.

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