R&D Management
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  • Track 8.3 - Crowdsourcing And Online Communities: Challenges And New Perspectives

Track 8.3 - Crowdsourcing and online communities: Challenges and new perspectives

Thomas GILLIER, Associate Prof., Grenoble Ecole de Management Fiona SCHWEITZER, Associate Professor, Ecole de Management Jan VAN DEN ENDE, Professor, Rotterdam School of Management

Track 8.3 - Crowdsourcing and online communities: Challenges and new perspectives
01 Mar. 2019
Divers 9

Thomas GILLIER, Associate Prof., Grenoble Ecole de Management
Fiona SCHWEITZER, Associate Professor, Ecole de Management
Jan VAN DEN ENDE, Professor, Rotterdam School of Management

Track's Contacts : 


Firms increasingly employ IT-enabled crowdsourcing systems to identify valuable knowledge and collect new ideas for product and service innovations from customers, employees, or a larger group of online users and citizens. Beyond the paradigm shift towards open innovation, a plethora of novel types of IT-enabled crowdsourcing systems blossoms out that stretch from collaborative concept development to actual co-production and co-consumption (e.g., open source hardware or software, open design of physical goods, citizensourcing, etc.). This track focuses on the future challenges, opportunities, and trends of open innovation platforms. It notably encourages sharing insights on successful and failed IT-enabled crowdsourcing initiatives and looks for novel approaches to understand value creation and appropriation in IT-enabled crowdsourcing environments. This track welcomes both quantitative and qualitative studies and conceptual or empirical work. The main purpose of this track is to solicit contributions of research which shed light on new theoretical models, processes, tools, and factors of successful online collaborations that boost innovation.

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