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Shaping Light for Bio-Imaging

le 15 février 2023,  à 11h

Jung-Hoon PARK, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, UNIST, Corée

Lieu :   Amphithéâtre Sauvy, Ecole Polytechnique         

As we can only see the intensity of light, it is not easy to see the importance of the phase of light in our everyday lives. Here, we will describe our recent developments in controlling the wavefront, or in other words, the phase of light to realize advanced optical systems. First, we demonstrate that controlling the wavefront of light can enable high resolution imaging inside aberrating deep tissue and realize functional imaging of brain dynamics in live mice. We also demonstrate that hardware based wavefront shaping is not the only solution and describe a computational approach to image through dynamic turbid media based on the principles of speckle interferometry. In a different perspective, we demonstrate how we can shape the illumination beam to enable different imaging characteristics for different regions of interests within the FOV simultaneously. For example, by illuminating selective sinusoidal illumination patterns, we realize tunable SIM, a novel dynamic adaptive structured illumination microscope, which realizes varying spatiotemporal resolutions across the FOV that can adapt to the user’s needs. Tunable SIM is realized using a DMD and the simplicity of the setup will be ideal for usability and broad dissemination. We further discuss how we can use custom illumination to enable stroboscopic, high dynamic range, or selective depth excitation imaging simultaneously across different FOVs for advanced bio imaging applications.


Contact :    Marie-Claire Schanne-Klein
                    marie-claire.schanne-klein  at


A télécharger: Séminaire PARK