Master HEP

Study tracks

The master is built on the basis of an exchange agreement between École polytechnique and ETH-Zürich.

The first year (M1) is done in one of the institutions (either École polytechnique or ETH Zürich), the second year (M2) in the partner institution. The degree prepared is then a dual degree from ETH and IP Paris, which is awarded once at least 120 ECTS have been validated, of which at least 55 ECTS must be obtained at ETH-Zurich, and 55 ECTS at École polytechnique.  

There exist also programs at ETH-Zürich and at École polytechnique where the full study program is carried out in one place only:
- At ETH, there is the "regular Physics Master" program within which it is also possible to follow courses on high-energy physics.
- At École polytechnique, the two years of the HEP master program may be done locally, in particular cases. The degree prepared is then the master's degree of IP Paris. IP Paris also runs other Physics Master programs.

Direct admission at M2 level is also possible at École polytechnique, if the student can demonstrate an excellent M1 level and the necessary prerequisites. The degree prepared is the master's degree of IP Paris.

Please visit the program pages for all details on the courses offered.

In all cases, please read carefully the instructions to apply, and beware of the application deadlines.