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  • Track 9.2 - Behavioural Innovation: From Psychological Theories To Innovation Practice

Track 9.2 - Behavioural Innovation: From psychological theories to innovation practice

Anne-Laure MENTION, Professor, RMIT University Bhimani Hardik, Mr, RMIT University

Track 9.2 - Behavioural Innovation: From psychological theories to innovation practice
01 Mar. 2019
Divers 10

Anne-Laure MENTION, Prof., RMIT University
Hardik BHIMANI, Mr, RMIT University

Track's Contacts : 


 This track focuses on the emerging field of behavioural innovation. Behavioural innovation brings a multi-and cross-disciplinary approach to delve deeper into the microfoundations of firm’s innovation capabilities, in part borrowing from neighbouring fields of behavioural strategy, psychology and behavioural economics.

An increasing recognition in management literature is on the dynamic socio-cognitive capabilities of individuals tasked to bring innovation to fruition, including the roles of social cognition, ecological rationality, cognitive adaptation, cognitive coping and cognitive flexibility. Proposals in this track should position their work with respect to the current conversation in literature that has identified the social and/or cognitive sources, processes and responses in identifying, recognising and implementing innovation activities.

Previous studies have shown that opening up for innovation is a strategic intent of firms and is laden with managerial challenges. This track thus also welcomes proposals that draw attention to managerial social and cognitive processes in innovation management and the consequences these have for internal and external knowledge flows across innovation stages.

In this view, conceptual, qualitative and quantitative studies are invited that offer clear theoretical and practical implications. It is expected that proposals in this track will highlight contemporary research approaches and provide advice for innovation practitioners that will help them in their roles. Theoretical and empirical papers submitted to this behavioural innovation track may address the following in relation to innovative behaviour and innovation performance (in particular, but not limited to):

• Role of attitude, perception, attention
• Role of mental capabilities (reasoning, cultural intelligence)
• Role of cognitive processes (mindfulness, learning, thinking)
• Role of emotions, ambivalence and purposeful behaviour
• Role of personality traits and biological models
• Role of self-identity and social cognition
• Role of favouritism, stereotyping and negative behaviours
• Role of conflict, morality and fairness

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