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  • Track 6.1 - Implementation Issues Of Systemic Disruptive Innovations

Track 6.1 - Implementation Issues of Systemic Disruptive Innovations

Hans GEORG GEMUENDEN, Prof. Dr. Hc., BI Norwegian Business School Christophe MIDLER, Prof. Dr., École Polytechnique, Management Research Center Remi MANIAK, Prof, Dr., École Polytechnique, Management Research Center

Track 6.1 - Implementation Issues of Systemic Disruptive Innovations
01 Mar. 2019
Divers 7

Hans GEORG GEMUENDEN, Prof. Dr. hc., BI Norwegian Business School, 
Christophe MIDLER , Prof. Dr., École Polytechnique, Management Research Center, 
Remi MANIAK, Prof, Dr., École Polytechnique, Management Research Center, 

Track's Contacts : 


Systemic innovation (SI) generates value if accompanied by complementary innovations. It opposes autonomous innovation, which can be developed independently of other innovations. Systemic innovation changes business processes and requires companies to change their practices. The SI literature stresses the need to coordinate the actors of the value chain or business ecosystem that are external to the organisation frontiers for SI, considering the type of connection (e.g., vertical integration, contract, partnerships, and alliances), the choice of the governance structure, the degree of trust/uncertainty among the actors and the mechanisms of knowledge transfer among the firms. An issue related to the early stages in SI is the need to conceive new business models or new ecosystem architectures, because the value, in this case, is generated and distributed by complex interrelationships among the various actors. In this track, we want to invite papers that adress issues of implementation of SI. This could be contributions to exploring and co-creating new options for SI, to seizing and exploiting them together with old and new partners, and to build completely new business ecologies, or transform existing ones in a radical way. An important aspect of SI is that they often involve a sequence of projects or programs that build on each other, and that each project/programme represents a major innovation step. Research that analyzes development paths of SI by using such project lineages are in the focus of this special issue. This can be done by using complex case studies, or by delivering theoretical explanations of development paths. 

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