R&D Management

Track 10.3 - Monitoring Technology Dynamics and Convergence

Martin MOEHRLE, Prof. Dr., University of Bremen Stefanie BROERING, Prof. Dr., University of Bonn

Track 10.3  - Monitoring Technology Dynamics and Convergence
01 Mar. 2019

Martin MOEHRLE, Prof. Dr., University of Bremen, Germany
Stefanie BROERING, Prof. Dr., University of Bonn

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Technologies play a major role for the creation of product as well as process innovations and are able to establish a competitive advantage. For this reason, R&D managers should monitor their dynamics, in particular if driven by competitors or external research institutes. Furthermore, technologies might move towards each other; technology convergence might occur and change the business models of companies. On the other side, technologies might conquer new niches and form technology speciation.

All three tasks, monitoring technology dynamics, convergence as well as speciation, can be supported by advanced analyses. Time has come to consider all the possible methods and techniques to assess technology dynamics, convergence and speciation. Participants may consider – but not be limited to – the following:

Indicators for assessing technology dynamics, convergence and speciation
o patent- or publication-based
o blog or social network-based
o applying bibliometric or semantic approaches
o using network or indicator-based methods,
o applying advanced machine learning methods

Insights on processes leading to technology dynamics, convergence and speciation
o micro-foundations
o the importance of the time dimension
o life-cycle perspective

Insights on the determinants of technology dynamics, convergence and speciation
o specialization and diversification strategies
o search practices
o collaboration practices
o knowledge recombination
o network practices

Insights on the outcomes of technology dynamics, convergence and speciation
o emergence of general purpose technologies
o emergence of niche technologies
o emergence of radical or incremental innovations
o generation of new markets and industries
o market disruptions

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