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CDI_researcher nano-structured polymeric materials for sustainable development H/F

CDI_researcher nano-structured polymeric materials for sustainable development H/F

Description du poste


Scientific context of the position

The functionalization of polymer membrane sensors led in 2018 to the development of a portable prototype, technology named CAPTÔT, for the detection of about ten ions according to the standards in force in leachate or runoff water (VINCI Construction project).

In 2019, the project was enriched by the capture and ultra-sensitive detection of uranyl ions (LSI thesis). In parallel, the collaboration with TOTAL (2018-present) made it possible to show that the CAPTÔT technology allowed for the detection of toxic metals to be monitored not only in fresh water but also in the discharge wastewater of oil platforms at sea (metal content in the North Sea set by the OSPAR regulations since 2018).

In 2020, the detection of Zn and Cr(VI) was successfully achieved, allowing CAPTÔT to meet the standards in force in the majority of the environments to be monitored.
the majority of the environments to be monitored. The results obtained are currently being used within the framework of the current contract with TOTAL, which finances the development of a commercial tool and its software. The business creation project selected by the MAGELLAN programme is now at the end of its maturation phase.
Also based on the optimization of nanostructured polymers by irradiation, the study and development of innovative and flexible piezoelectric devices intended to be integrated into a decentralized multi-energy system have been the subject of a patent filed in 2015 and of 8 publications since 2014, including 2 in 2021 (partner team of the FlagShip NanoVIBES project - Labex NanoSaclay) 



Proposed missions

The aim is to develop research projects relating to the study of the physico-chemical and physical properties of nanomaterials, more particularly polymers, as well as the development of devices such as pollutant detectors for the environment or multi-scale porous energy converters for sustainable development.

These activities require a multi-disciplinary approach combining polymer radiochemistry with electrochemical methods (fabrication of polymer/metal nanowire composites or semiconductors) and out-of-equilibrium transport studies (ionic and/or spin electronics - LSI speciality).


Profile of the candidate

The candidate should have a first experience in the proposed research field and a PhD in Chemistry and Physical Chemistry of Polymers or Materials Science The incumbent should have an appetite not only for the application aspect of the research to be undertaken but also for the fundamental research necessary for innovation. A detailed understanding of the physical mechanisms of transport in these materials created and/or nanostructured by irradiation is essential for the production of breakthrough devices required by industrial partners, who are themselves under pressure to propose new high-tech solutions to adapt to societal demand. 

The challenge is therefore to provide polymer materials with new functionalities to modify their properties of use and respond to new societal issues in the fields of the environment, health and microelectronics. The post holder will be able to rely on  expertise of the group and its network (industrial and academic partnerships) to not
only strengthen the R&D activities already underway but also to develop other fields of application where societal demand is strong, in particular bio-medical

Informations générales


Description de l'entité

Le Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA) est un organisme public de recherche. 
Acteur majeur de la recherche, du développement et de l'innovation, le CEA intervient dans le cadre de ses quatre missions : 
. la défense et la sécurité 
. l'énergie nucléaire (fission et fusion) 
. la recherche technologique pour l'industrie 
. la recherche fondamentale (sciences de la matière et sciences de la vie). 

Avec ses 16000 salariés -techniciens, ingénieurs, chercheurs, et personnel en soutien à la recherche- le CEA participe à de nombreux projets de collaboration aux côtés de ses partenaires académiques et industriels.


Description de la Direction

The Directorate for Fundamental Research (DRF), implemented on all civilian centers of the CEA, has as its main objective to undertake fundamental research in relation to the missions of the CEA in the fields of physics, chemistry and life sciences, in which its excellence is internationally recognized.


Description de l'unité

The Irradiated Solids Laboratory is a joint research unit since 2000 (UMR 7642) of the CEA, CNRS and the Ecole Polytechnique. At the CEA, it is attached to the Direction de la Recherche Fondamentale (DRF), Institut Rayonnement Matière de Saclay (IRAMIS). At the CNRS, it is mainly attached to the Institute of Physics (INP), and secondarily to the Institute of Chemistry (INC).
Its mission is to study the fundamental properties of the solid state and its interactions with electronic, ionic and photonic radiation.
The PCNano group of LSI conducts innovative research for the optimisation of small energy systems and sustainable development. In this context, two activities based on the functionalization of nano-structured polymer membranes by irradiation (electrons and ions) are particularly innovative and promising. These are the development of membrane sensors for toxic metals for monitoring water quality on one hand and flexible current piezo-generators converting the vibrational energy of the environment (wind, rain, rivers, etc.) and of industrial infrastructures (bridges, penstocks, transport, etc.) on the other.


Formation recommandée : doctorat

Disponibilité du poste : septembre 2022

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