High resolution Bruker D8 Advance diffractometer (2018)
This equipment is dedicated to XRD analysis on polycrystalline samples (powder or bulk) at room temperature.
Its key strengths are:
* A counting statistic allowing fast data collection with a high resolution
*A very low X-ray diffusion intensity at low angles improving drastically the data quality for samples with large cell parameters (for example organic compounds like pharmaceutical, minerals like clay, mica or zeolite…)
* A high signal-to-noise ratio, which facilitates identification of minor phases in a mixture
High resolution Bruker D8 Discover diffractometer (2018)
This equipment is dedicated to in situ XRD analysis for polycrystalline sample (powder or bulk), thanks to two environmental chambers. Equipped with the LynxEyeXE-T detector, it allows the analysis of samples containing iron or cobalt. It also has a capillary mounting and a motorized X, Y and Z plate for measurements at room temperature.
Its key strengths are :
* A counting statistic allowing fast data collection with a high resolution
* A high signal-to-noise ratio, which facilitates identification of minor phases in a mixture
* Fast in situ (or operando) data collection from 10°C to 1600°C, under air, vacuum ou inert gaz
* Easy to develop home-made sample holder or environment thanks to its large enclosure
* Analysis powder of sensitive to air or dispersed in liquid, thanks to a capillary mounting
Available powder analysis softwares :
Phase identification : HIGHSCORE (Malvern PANalytical), DIFFRAC.EVA (Bruker AXS), SmartLabStudio2 (Rigaku)
Rietveld analysis : TOPAS (Bruker AXS), MAUD, FULLPROF