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Séminaire Invité de Linards SKUJA

Linards SKUJA, Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, is hosted at the Labopratoire des Solides Irradiés as an invited researcher for a period of 2 months (financed by DAER / Ecole polytechnique). He pursues and active collaboration with Nadège Ollier

Mardi / Tuesday 18 octobre 2016 – 14h15

Salle 2034 - – Bâtiment 83 – 1ER étage


Synthetic high purity glassy silicon dioxide (g-SiO2) is important material in applications using optical fibers, high-power laser optics, radiation-resistant and UV transmitting elements. The operation of these devices is adversely affected by creation of point defects. Their formation mechanism in g-SiO2 is often different from mechanisms, typically taking place in crystalline materials or multicomponent glasses. Instead of electron/hole trapping on preexisting precursors, the majority of radiation-induced defects in g-SiO2 is created in photochemical reactions, involving monovalent impurities (mostly hydrogen) and interstitial gas molecules.

   The talk will give a brief overview of the properties of different gas molecules observed in g-SiO2 (H2, O2, O3, H2O, HCl, Cl2), their spectroscopic properties and their impact on radiation toughness of g-SiO2 optical devices. More details will be given on interstitial oxygen and chlorine molecules and our recent studies of these species will be discussed.

Interstitial oxygen atom, possibly in the form of Si-O-O-Si peroxy linkage, has not been experimentally observed in SiO2.  On the other hand, its dimerized form, interstitial O2 molecule, can be monitored by its distinct IR luminescence. By using it, the defect formation and isotope exchange between of O2 and SiO2 network was studied. 

Apart from intrinsic radiation effects, optical properties of synthetic SiO2 are often affected by the presence of chlorine impurities left from the synthesis process.  We have recently proved that interstitial Cl2 molecules in g-SiO2 show characteristic near-IR luminescence, which can be excellently used for detection of their presence and for studying their photo- or radiation-induced -reactions in g-SiO2.  The present data indicate that Cl2 molecule is strongly stabilized against dissociation by SiO2 glass matric ("cage effect").