DIFFRAX is a platform at the Ecole polytechnique dedicated to X-Ray diffraction. Since 2015, DIFFRAX involves the equipments and skills of 4 laboratories of the research center: PMC, PICM, LSI, LCM. DIFFRAX is a multidisciplinary platform which offers expertise in X-Ray diffraction and reflectivity to analyze all types of samples. The in situ experiments provided by our diffractometers are key elements in understanding the complex processes involved in manufacturing tomorrow's materials and optimizing their performance for the intended application. These tools are used for training of the students from Ecole polytechnique and masters.
Thanks to founding from Ecole polytechnique, Institut de Physique du CNRS, Institut de Chimie du CNRS, Région Ile de France (DIM OxyMore) and Labex CHARM3AT, our instrumental support evolved in 2018 with the acquisition of 4 new high-resolution diffractometers.
The very extensive range of instruments made it possible to respond to the routine experiments and in situ measurements where the sample is placed in a controlled environment (humidity, gas, temperature …).