Physics and Chemistry of Nano-Objects
Historical Background
The Physics and Chemistry of Nano-Objects group has been created at the beginning of the year 2011 with the objective to gather the research activities in the fields of nanosciences and nanotechnologies. The creation of the XPNano group was propedeutic to the integration into the three main axes of the Labex Nano-Saclay: nano-electronics, nano-optics and nano-medicine. At the present, the permanent staff of the group is composed of 8 people. Among them, we count two professors and one lecturer at the Ecole polytechnique, four CEA researchers and one engineer assistant (CNRS). The group is led by Henri-Jean Drouhin. However, the group can also work on a principle of shared leadership, where members may replace Henri-Jean Drouhin in councils in an alternative fashion. Whenever there are important decisions to take, we organize an ad hoc meeting. Moreover, the members of the group discuss issues from person to person on a daily basis. Finally, the members of the group have very different scientific antecedents, nonetheless they share common interests and their competences are complementary. Thus, we can describe ourselves as a dynamic, creative and highly collaborative team.
The Physics and Chemistry of Nano-Objects group is motivated by exciting fundamental ‘big’ science questions. It is also interested in translating the scientific discoveries to societal relevance including commercial applications.
Click here to see the map of the group collaborations.
Research Team
Marc Hayoun
Mathias Kobylko
Didier Lairez
Giancarlo Rizza
Jean-Eric Wegrowe
- Chercheurs et ingénieurs non-permanents :
Swift heavy ion irradiation: a new tool to shape metallic nanoparticles embedded within an host matrix
G. Rizza, P.-E. Coulon
Collective plasmon response in 2D arrays of metallic nanoparticles
G. Rizza, P.-E. Coulon
Nanoporous polymer membranes
M.-C. Clochard
Calculation of electronic properties for spinorbitronics and electronics
H.-J. Drouhin, coll. Henri Jaffrès (UMφ CNRS Thales
Spintronics: the non-equilibrium thermodynamic approach
J.-E. Wegrowe, H.-J. Drouhin
Prediction and measurements of inertial effects in magnetization dynamics
J.-E. Wegrowe
Membrane and transport
D. Lairez
Nuclear quantum effects in molecular dynamics simulations
M. Hayoun
3D/4D printing of functional materials
G. Rizza
Art&Science: or how to renew the link between science and society
G. Rizza